Battery simulator

The battery simulator is used to test the proper operation of chargers and rectifiers of nominal battery voltages of: 12V - 24V - 36V - 48V - 72V -80V (Other voltages can be manufactured on request), also allowing the regulation of current demand to the charger. By means of the voltmeter and ammeter of the panel the customer will be able to observe the parameters marked on the equipment, using its control knob.

Model: CBX

Producer: Bassi

Country of origin: Italy

The CBX battery simulator has been designed to simulate the batteries of any type, voltage, and capacity.

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Key features

High frequency IGBT electronic load, featuring constant current /constant voltage operation.
Rugged construction for maximum reliability in heavy duty industrial applications.
Compact and portable design. Wheels for easy moving.
Intelligent electronic protection system (Includes soft start, overtemperature, overload protection).
Programmable digital board controlled by microprocessor.
Can be used to test chargers of any type, voltage and current.
Can be used to discharge batteries of any type, voltage, and capacity.
Digital voltmeters display + Analog ammeter.
CE certified.
CSAus Listed.


The CBX is an electronic load, designed to test battery chargers of any type, voltage, and power. This unique equipment simulates the behavior of a battery during the change process, and it gives to the technical the opportunity to perform complete tests safely, rapidly, and accurately. The CBX eliminates the need of connecting a battery to the charger to be tested; it´s very simple and flexible. Moreover, it can be used to discharge batteries and other purposes.

The front panel of the CBX contains these devices: -Digital voltmeter. -Analog ammeter -Voltage selection knob (12-24-36-48-72-80 V) -Voltage fine adjustment potentiometer -Current limit potentiometer (0 – 200A)

This is the typical sequence of operation, when using the CBX to test a charger.

1) The user sets the voltage of the battery to be simulated, using the opposite knob and potentiometer, while the digital display shows the actual value. A separate potentiometer is available to set the maximum current that the CBX will absorb.

2) The user connects the charger to be tested to the input of the CBX. The charger control board will detect that a battery has been connected and will start the charge process.

3) The CBX keeps the voltage constant to the selected value, while the analog ammeter measures the current given by the charger. If the current tends to exceed the maximum programmed value, the CBX will increase the voltage to limit it.

4) The user can modify the voltage and current freely, to simulate the behavior of a battery under charge. It is possible to trace the real charging curve of the charger in one minute.

Special features, for maximum reliability and flexibility.

  • Auto test of the power electronic circuits at power-on, with automatic safety stop in case of component failures.
  • Temperature protection of all the power electronic components and resistor bank: in case of internal overtemperature (e.g.: blocked fans, air passages obstructed) the CBX is set automatically in stand-by mode.
  • Double cabinet, for maximum thermal insulation: during the operation, the external part of the cabinet remains cold (max temperature rise <10°C).
  • Heavy duty wheels, with ball bearings, metal frame, covered with rubber.

Standard version
Battery voltage: 12- 80V Maximum current: 200A
External dimensions
325 x 630 x 570 (h) mm
2mm steel
Four wheels kit for easy moving,

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